The Adventure of Possibilities

Take interest in the peculiar, invite the unfamiliar and the unpredictable will become an adventure.


Loss, Grief, Change, Transition

When it is not there anymore, it just isn’t there. Rest, let go of the fight and fall into the surrender of what you can’t control.  Sleep.


Be brave, unlatch the window and let in the dawn of a new day.  Open to new possibilities.

Take interest in the peculiar, invite the unfamiliar and the unpredictable will become an adventure.

~Anne Carlson~





Who Left the Stove on?

Chemo brain, where does it stop?

2018.1.21st new-brighton-1239724_640I did.  “Just don’t leave the kitchen when the stove is on.” my friend says.


Embarrassed, humiliated and defensive, Practical Self tells Emotional Self, “From now on,  be more careful so it won’t happen again.”  But I know it could.

“Why does this bother you?” Practical Self speaks, “cancer does not define you. It’s chemo-brain.”  Emotional Self is not consoled.  Like a television, my mind wonders to the place that protects those people that leave the stove on.

These days they call it the memory unit; those days, they called it the psych unit.  Will I be that naked lady with the Albert Einstein hairdo meandering the halls searching for Elvis?   Ouch.

The stove is off …  at least for now.


~Anne Carlson~